Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Clan of Asmat

One of the famous tribe in Papua is the Asmat.Asmat is a tribe in Papua. Asmat tribe known as the result of a unique wood carvings.Asmat population is divided into two, namely those living in coastal areas and those living in the hinterland. the two populations are inter berbada each other in the ways of living, and social structure of coastal ritual.populasi further divided into two parts, namely Bisman tribes who were among the rivers and streams sinesty nin and spare Shimei.
There is much disagreement among the Asmat village. The most horrible is the way the Asmat tribe used to kill his enemy. when the enemy killed, his corpse was brought kekampung, then cut and distributed to all residents to eat together. they sing the song of death and cut off his head. brain dibunngkus sago leaves and roasted then eaten.
now usually in a village inhabited by approximately 100 to 1000 people. every village had one bachelor house and many family homes. bachelor's house is used for ceremonial and religious ceremonies. family houses inhabited by two to three families, who have their own bathroom and kitchen.
Asmat tribe has particularly a very simple way untukmerias themselves. they just need the red soil to produce a red color. to produce their white color makes the shells that have been mashed. whereas black warnah they generate from wood charcoal smoothed. I use is quite simple, simply by mixing these ingredients with a little water, coloring it can use to color the body. in addition to cultural, syuru villagers are also very good at making carvings such as the Asmat general. Asmat carvings to be a liaison between life today with life of their ancestors. residing in each carving the image and respect for their ancestors are loaded with greatness Asmat tribe. sculptures and carvings generally they created without a sketch. for kala menukir Asmat statue adlah times in which they communicate with the ancestors yag is on another world. It is possible because they know the three concepts of the world: Amat ow capinmi (natural life now), Dampu ow campinmi (pesinggahan nature spirits who have died), and Safar (heaven). believed before entering dusurga <spirits of the dead man would interfere. interference can be a disease, disaster and even war. So, for the sake of saving people and redeem souls, they are still alive to make sculptures and statues mengelar party like a party bus (Bioskokombi), party masks, party boat, and party sago worms.
bus statue is said to form the most sacred statue. but now make a statue for the Asmat, not merely meet the call of tradition. because the engraving is also selling them to strangers at a party when carving. they know the results of hand-carved high priced between Rp. 100 thousand up to millions of dollars outside of Papua.
eye quest
Survival habits and foraging among one tribe with another tribe in the area of District-Mitak Citak was almost the same. Asmat tribal land, tribal and ethnic Mitak citak have a daily habit of making a living is separti hunting forest animals, snakes, cassowaries birds 'black pig dragons etc.. they also always pound sago as a food staple and the fisherman that is looking for fish and shrimp to eat. the lives of these three tribes had already changed. 

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Bird Of Paradise

Read More... Bird Of Paradise

Cultural Society Papua

There are many cultures that attract the birds Island One is Bakar Batu. Fuel is one of rock's most important traditional events Pupua, as a form of joy greet party birth, death,or gather soldiers for war. Fuel stone is also a suggestion restore the harmony of humanlife that tergannggu revenge and warfare or death.
Fuel stone is also a typical way of cooking Babi Papuan traditional society with a stonefireplace at the roasted in large, biasannya measuring 2 x 8 meters. All pig entrailsremoved leaving a thick meat and fat attached to the skin.
Now burn the rock ritual is also held to welcome the guests who visit the area of Papua.The procession as follows, mulannya stone in the furnace fuel combustion, while waiting for the stone was hot the citizens to dig a hole deep enough. After the stone had beenburned hot, put some stones in the quarry, the piled * with cassava leaves, tubers, andfoliage. Hot stones placed on the dough back and dug it closed tightly. After that, theystayed to welcome guests, while the pork was cooked.
Cutting finger symbolizes the pain and pain when losing a loved family member. The phrase is so profound, even should have lost limbs. For the people of the central mountains, the family has a very important role. For people Balim Jayawijaya togetherness in a family has its own values. "Wene opakima dapulik welaikarek mekehasik" or the basic guidelines for living together in one family, one family name / clan, one honai (home), one tribe, one parent, one language, one history / origin, and so on "(When Balim Looking Life - page 7 - Hisage, Julian Joli, 2005). That's why they had to cut her finger if there are families who died. 

According to other information we get, that the cutting finger is generally done by the mother. 
But did not rule out cutting the finger performed by family members of the parent male or female. Cutting finger can also be interpreted as an effort to prevent the 'recurrence' doom that has claimed the lives of someone in the family is grieving. 

A mother from Moni (a tribe in the area Paniai) we met explained that his little finger bitten by his mother when he was born. 
It had to be done by the mother because some children who were born before always died. With the right pinkie finger decided he had just given birth to a child, the mother hopes that what happened to the children had not previously happened to the baby. This sounds very eksrim, but in reality this is so, Moni home mom we met have given many grandchildren and great-grandchildren to the mother. 

Cutting finger done in various ways. There was a cut finger by using sharp tools such as knives, machetes, or ax. Another way is by tying finger with a rope for some time so the network is bound to be dead and then cut. 

But now the culture of 'cut finger' has now been abandoned. 
Rarely do we meet people who in recent decades. What remains can we meet today are those who've done it long ago. This is caused by the influence of religion who has signed up to remote areas in Papua.

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Some Interesting Sights in The City of Jayapura

1. Viewing and RI-PNG border crossing 
The journey from the city of Jayapura through transmigration settlements that have been crowded and fertile, berkelak winding down the hills, and through the woods are still dense. 
The distance is 1.5 hours, once smooth road. If you want to visit the village of Putung in PNG, then you must prepare passports and visas (which can be handled at the Immigration Office in Jayapura PNG). Unfortunately I did not prepare both cases, informed thinking can cross the border have never, and after knowing only 1.5 hours and the situation then we think it is safe to cross the border. Beautiful road, smooth, and quiet. Before entering our borders first report on RI troops guarding the frontier, even posing with them. Then we also invite those chat PNG, or crossing the border into Indonesian territory, to transact. Inconceivable that the border, dipuncak mountain and sea views below, many transactions occur between people of Papua and PNG. We also report to Mr. Jeffrey Owen, Customs Border Operation for the PNG and allowed only to the extent of visiting the PNG market which consists of 10 blue tents. From here we can see Putung village by the sea, and the nearest town (Vanimo) 2 days travel away from the border. Even if a visa, in fact we were only able to visit the slum Village Wutung only.PNG people use English with a dialect of Fiji, and its currency Kina (1 Kina = Rp.3000, -) 
2. Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana Jayapura.
Balinese Hindu temple is situated in the hills, with views of the Gulf of Jayapura in thedistance.

3. Monument of General Mac Arthur.
This monument is located in Ifar Mountain, later known as Mount Makatur. It is said thatonce General MacArthur landed during World War II, the first time in Papua, at the portHamadi (now the headquarters of AL Jayapura), then walked up through the Sentani.Makatur hill situated above the lake Sentani, Jayapura city mileage of 45 minutes, past the winding road along the sea berkelak Jayapura, continue winding twists and turnsalong the Lake Sentani, then continue up the hill. From the hill Makatur we were treated to views of Lake Sentani Sentani airport and runway are visible from above. On this hillthere is a museum and the site was now under the protection of ArcheologicalDepartment. On the way home, if you feel hungry, then you can stop by the restaurant onthe shores of Lake Sentani. The restaurant is frequently visited is "Yougwa Retaurant",serves cuisine of fish are taken directly from lake. There is another special food that isstir-fry kale papaya flower, supposedly to prevent malaria by mosquito bites. While inJayapura I often eat this dish, taste bitter and spicy.
4. Seeing crocodiles in captivity Entrop, Jayapura
The distance of this crocodile breeding place 30 minutes from the city of Jayapura, in line with Hindu temples and Hill Makatur. The owner of "Diamond Star" (the name ofbreeding crocodiles) also reportedly building owners PTC (Papua Trade Center). There are 40 breeding ponds, and the number of crocodiles in the pool at that time about 200birds. Permission is obtained from the Directorate General of Livestock, which are updated every year, how many crocodiles that can be maintained, and buya tradedwithin one year. If violated, the employer sanctions. Crocodile food derived from meatand fish, crocodiles price is based on the length of the body, and every inch the price isnow Rp 30,000, -. Which may be traded is a crocodile who has had at least 12 incheslong. Besides the skin, preferred for its meat, can be made a variety of processed foodssuch as alligator jerky, but I dare not try. Also tangkur crocodile,  who supposedly said tobe a powerful medicine men. Tangkur crocodile meat and crocodile can be obtained at the PTC.

Kolam penangkaran buaya Pak Nengah mencoba memegang buaya
5. Enjoying the sunset at Polimak.
Polimak is the name of the region, which has a high hill and a TV antenna on it fully, fromall kinds of TV transmitting stations. There also is writing "Jayapura City" a very large,visible from the sea and the city of Jayapura, and illuminated by lights at night.Unfortunately the tourism potential here untapped well, piles of concrete pole where the writing Jayapura City unpunished, especially mmbahayakan visitors who bring children.In fact, if only given the barrier to be safe, or given a roof and glass, and there are cafes,the area can be a very interesting area that many visitors.

Dibawah menara Jayapura City Kota Jayapura dilihat dari Menara Jayapura City

6. Looking for souvenirs at the market Hamadi
Hamadi market is known as a place to sell various handicraft souvenirs of Papua, fromthe Asmat and the Baliem Valley, Wamena. Currently under construction marketsHamadi, who will rise, and under it is used as a parking area. In Hamadi I bought a bracelet from the penis sheath and a variety of plant roots, my friend bought Baliemtribal warfare equipment, as well as other frequently used to buy a hat made of feathersChieftains Cassowary bird.
Unfortunately I can not get a map of the city of Jayapura in Gramedia. But to make it easier I attach a rough map of the city of Jayapura, which my photos from the hotelMatoa.

                                                     Di depan toko souvenir  
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The History of The Town of Jayapura

Jayapura is a tribe native population Tobati, Kayubatu, and Kayupulo. Before theircontact with outside influences, which connotes an atmosphere of life harmonious, safe,autonomous, quiet, and free is in the native community.
"Head of the Department of City Planning Jayapura MHT Sagala explains, when it comes in contact with people from outside the 1545 start of any change. The changewas gradually brought progress. For example, Kota Jayapura has now developed into adistrict capital Jayapura regency levels and Municipality Jayapura. Change and othercontacts between the Portuguese nation known for its journey Bartholomeus Diaz,Vasco da Gama, Marco Polo, and so on.
This trip and then make the Europeans do the discovery of new worlds in order to find the spices. The era of this voyage to bring the Portuguese arrived in Indonesia in general and specifically in Irianjaya. The Spaniards had ever set foot in Irianjaya. History records a Spanish national named Ynico Ortis de Fretes on May 16, 1545 departing from Tidore to Mexico by ship "San Juan". On the way, he arrived at the Mamberamo River, June 16, 1545, then gave the name of the region and the people who inhabit it.Then came again another Skipper, among other Memdana Alvaro de Neyra (1567), Antonio Martha (1591-1593). Date August 13, 1768 with a group of ships departed from Nantes, France led sailors LA Bougenville then was anchored in the Gulf Yos Sudarso, Jayapura. He gave the name Mount Dofonsoro (Dobonsolo) to Mount Cyclops. The name is taken from the Greek name of a giant in Greek mythology, the giant one-eyed and his face was very scary. He also gave the name of a mountain east of Jayapura around Skow with the name of Bougainville. In a decree en Dutch Indies Governor No. 4 dated August 28, 1909 to assistant resident, mentioned in Manokwari, Irianjaya west, it takes a detachment of the four officers and 80 soldiers. This detachment is required to hold a preparation for the commission arrangement between the Dutch-German border who will do the job the following year. This is based on the instructions of Ternate resident on a regular basis to explore the area. Date 28 September 1909 Ship "Edi" landed a detachment unit under the command of Captain Infantry FJP Sache. They should have landed in Manokwari, but eventually chose to land near the River Nau O Bwai (Kayupulo local language means adorn themselves) or the more popular in society Kayupulo called Numbay means water is very clear. Captain Sache assisted by three officers among them Dr Gyllerup and first-class marine officer who headed the team of JH Luumes border commission. They began cutting down trees to make the barracks.Among them are 40 stems of palm trees, but soon also be given to the owner compensation payments for 40 ringgit, or 40 xf 2.50 = f 100 (one hundred guilders).Compensation is considered to be very big at that time (year 1910). Then a Dutch historian named Kiellich wrote, "Hollandia kostte vierting (40) rijk daalders" means Jayapura purchased for 40 ringgit, or f 100. And there stood the first Dutch settlement consisted of two rivers respectively and Anafri Numbay a unified and empties into the Gulf Numbay or Yos Sudarso as Numbay River. Numbay River flows through a swampy canyon filled with trees sago and water-eyed Cyclop Mountains. Because the German border patrol gave the name "Germanihoek" (German corner) to kompamennya.Meanwhile, Captain Sache give the place known as Hollandia on March 7, 1910. Thus, the name was changed from Numbai into Hollandia. Hollandia is meant Sache is a place in Imbi Park today, as the central city of Jayapura. In the park was now standing monument Yos Sudarso as a resort community in the afternoon. In the vicinity of the monument snacks sold by street vendors around offering services to people who wanted to immortalize her face in front of the monument. Certain community groups in Irianjaya see Imbi Park and surrounding areas as historic sites for the tribes of Papua.At Imbi Park by the community that first the Morning Star flag was unfurled, December 1, 1961, and celebrated as the birthday of the tribes of Papua. Preparation Irianjaya birthday occurs in the Papuan Council Building which is now called the Arts Council Building. The building was occupied Papua Task Force until the end of December 2000 after being taken forcibly by the Mobile Brigade. Community Star flag was waving in front of the building the Arts Council from December 1999 to May 2001.HARI so Hollandia described briefly on March 7, 1910, but the atmosphere around the occupant detachment quite bright. The four brigades gathered in the attitude of the ceremony around the flagpole with a neat clothes. Captain Sache first speech in Dutch, then in the Malay language. Then he gave the command, "By the name of the Dutch Queen Bring the Flag! Hopefully with God's protection will not be down forever." After the flag was raised, all plucked from kelewang and bayonet scabbard and heard yelling, "rah rah, born Hollandia." Why the name Nau O Bwai or Numbay renamed Hollandia? Hol is curved, bay. Land means the land, so that means the land Hollandia grooved / hilly.Dutch or demonstrate circumstances berteluk-bay. Geography Jayapura City is similar to the northern coastline of the Netherlands. But behind that meaning, embodied the desire of the Dutch for control of territory rich in natural potential. The proof, Captain Sache Dutch flag stick and then said, "May this flag fly forever". Irianjaya definitively returned to the bosom of Indonesia May 1, 1963. Since then also the name of Hollandia was changed to Kota Baru (years 1963-1969), later renamed Soekarnopura (years 1969-1975), and Jayapura (1975-present). Thus, before becoming Jayapura, is already four times through the change of name. but where poverty remains the same from the beginning until now remained the same, the change is the growth of population by the presence citizens from various ethnic groups in Indonesia. "The capital of Jayapura district developed into an administrative city (City of) Jayapura. Based on government regulation (PP) No. 26 of 1979 dated 28 August 1979 regarding the establishment of City of Jayapura, the implementation regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 5 of 1979 and Minister of Home Affairs Directive No. 30 of 1979.The city of Jayapura became Kotif on 14 September 1979 was inaugurated by H. Amir Machmud, Home Affairs Minister at that time. On the same day Drs Florens Imbiri inaugurated as mayor of Jayapura by H Soetran, Governor Irianjaya time. The city of Jayapura became the first City of Irianjaya and 12th in Indonesia. Jayapura Mayor Michael Manufandu both held Drs. Under Law No. 6 / 1993 City of Jayapura became municipality by the minister took place in the field Yogie SM Mandala Jayapura, 21 September 1993. On that day, Drs R Roemantyo inaugurated as mayor of Jayapura Municipality. Roemantyo later replaced by MR Kambu to this day. According to the Regional Secretary Th Pasaribu Jayapura, Jayapura anniversary has not been popular and has not been celebrated. Communities are not familiar with the anniversary because it has not diperdakan. With the commemoration of all citizens to be aware and know the duties and responsibilities of each ".
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